Manuscript Critiques Available

For years, I’ve been so focused on my publishing company, TMP Books, that I forget to promote the other services I offer, which includes critiquing of manuscripts. But when I was asked about my services this week, I thought I’d add a page to my website for anyone who might be interested.

Do you have an upcoming conference, contest, or submission to an agent or publisher? My fiction critiques focus on: POV issues, plot points, settings, active and passive writing, showing vs. telling, dialogue, flow, characterization, pacing, tenses, grammar, and more! My nonfiction critiques focus on: structure, story, takeaway, marketability, tenses, grammar, and more. (For clarity purposes, critiques are not edits, although I do offer editing services too. Critiques are more of an assessment than the depths of editing, but can help you with self-edits before paying for editing services.)

My 2024 Critique Prices are:

$50, critique of 2500-word article or chapter

$100, critique of standard two or three page synopsis, and the first three chapters of your book (10,000 words or less)

$200, critique of the first 10 chapters of your book (25,000 words or less)

For projects of different lengths, or to discuss publishing options, please contact me with details of your project and your publishing goals.

I also offer other services as well, so if you have other editorial needs or publishing questions, visit TMP Books then send me an email to discuss your writing and publishing needs.

I recommend Tracy’s whole range of services - editing, formatting, publishing, marketing and whatever else you need. But especially the editing. I’ve seen how she can help you turn a mediocre work into something worth reading, and she does it while encouraging and supporting you as the author and creator.
— Phee Paradise ~ author of A Sincere Heart and Miracles at Midnight
Tracy gives you her best. She edits, polishes, and makes your book the best it can be. If you are a writer with a story that must be told, you will find that Tracy Ruckman is all about that!
— Alma L. Carr-Jones ~ Author of 12 books, including Excelsior, Renewal of Joy, and Get Yourself Up
I know the owner personally. She’s a best friend. She knows the industry. She was once my traditional publisher. I know she’s honest and fair, and I know her heart. She’s one of the gatekeepers that helps indie publishers set a higher standard. She’s going to be truthful with you about your work. She’s going to edit it and polish it and make it the best it can be for the writer. And she’ll be honest with you and tell you if you’re not ready to publish.

She doesn’t overcharge, and she doesn’t overprice a book once it’s published.
— Fay Lamb ~ author of 18 books, including Wandering Soul, Charisse, and Stalking Willow
Tracy Ruckman helped with many of my published books. I counted on her to spot weaknesses in characterization that I had not seen, and her editorial insights made my words shine.
— Virginia Smith ~ Award-winning, best-selling author