You’re Invited to the Pink Party - BYOP!

Today, I have my next-to-last Herceptin infusion (and a DEXA bone scan.) The past 15 months have been quite a journey, and on Friday, May 31st, I will ring that final chemo bell, signaling the end of my treatments for breast cancer. This calls for a celebration, don’t you think?

I’m throwing an online party to celebrate, and YOU are invited! Let’s HAPPY DANCE together!

The party will be on Facebook on May 31st, from 5 pm to 7 pm, on my Tracy Ruckman, Creative Facebook page.

We’ll play some games, share a video or two, and, I’m actually going to try to do a live video, although at the moment, I’m still learning the ropes of doing that, so we’ll see! Either way, it should be fun. I’m giving away some prizes and asking everyone to BYOP - bring your own PINK! Wear a pink hat, shirt, or pjs (G-rated, please, if you share photos with us), sip a pink drink, snack on some pink foods! I’ll be sharing some fun ideas over the next couple of weeks leading up to the party, so be sure to follow along on my Creative page and share your own ideas, too!

(If there are any glitches with technology on Facebook, just check this blog - I’ll give any updates here, if needed.)

We’ll also have a Q&A time, so if you have any questions you want to ask about my cancer journey, about writing, publishing, or just about anything else, feel free to send them to me early - by email or FB message - so I can make a list. (I love lists, in case you didn’t know. Ha.)

I look forward to celebrating with you!


Meet Warrior Elias


The Pink Pages Has Gone to Press