Tracy Ruckman

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In Search of Spring

Cabin fever set in hard this week, so yesterday, Tim and I decided to get outside a bit. I declared that we were "in search of Spring."

We went to the Chattahoochee National Park and hiked (walked, actually) a short, easy trail. Few people were out - mostly dog walkers or dedicated hikers, so it was peaceful.

Did we find Spring? Cloudy skies spit a little mist, but nothing that soaked us. Temps stayed in the high 60s, so we're finally thawing out! We took a picnic lunch and ate at one of the tables after we finished our walk. (Note to self: next time take ponchos or the picnic blanket - either would prevent damp bottoms on the ride home.) I spotted a few clumps of daffodils, but only one bloom - and it was too far away to get a decent picture.

Still a bit bleak out there, but the warmth was a relief and the fresh air wiped out the cabin fever.

My favorite photo of the day is this pine tree. Growing up, we had a dozen or more pine trees in our backyard, and I loved them. As an adult, everywhere I've ever lived, folks have said, "chop down the pines, you don't want them falling into your house." [Not that I listened. And I've never had one fall on my house.] So I love pine trees, and the ones we saw today were massive.

I saw this tree and went over to rub its bark. So pretty, so smooth. The minute I touched the tree, it "threw" a pine cone down at us - missing Tim's head by a whisper. I was shocked, and he said, "You tickled that tree!" I laughed, and rubbed the tree again, and sure enough, another pine cone fell - but this one away from us.

Memory makers.

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The Chattahoochee was full and flowing, the air crisp and clean. Here are a few more photos of our outing.

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