Majestic Maine


Cape Cod and Boston

, we headed to Maine, another one of those 4th grade social studies destinations I'd always longed to see. As an adult, I wasn't sure I could handle the cool temperatures I was sure Maine would offer, but I was pleasantly surprised and quickly fell in love with the state.

One interesting aspect I noticed right away - even though most of the area where we'd traveled thus far on this leg along the east coast was already experiencing summer, when we arrived in Maine, we noticed that spring was just beginning. Trees were just beginning to bud, and flowers just beginning to spring their blossoms.

Acadia National Park was already getting crowded, but we met some great folks as we drove around snapping photos. My photos don't do justice to this beautiful state. I look forward to returning to the area again.

This is one of my favorites - we watched the cloud move over the island then completely envelope it.

Funny story. While we were driving around the park, we decided to stop for a picnic lunch. These talkative blackbirds joined us, and kept up a running chatter with us the entire time we ate our sandwiches. (Yes, we talked with them. Don't you?)

As soon as we got back in the car, they swooped down to the table to snatch up any crumbs we left behind. They seemed to nod their head in thanks as we drove away. 


From Bar Harbor to the Erie Canal


Cape Cod and Boston